Manchester Metropolitan University, adalah universitas public berlokasi di pusat kota Manchester yang merupakan kota terbesar ke 2 di Inggris. Universitas dapat di telusuri asal mulanya sejak 1824 dengan nama The Manchester Mechanics Institute kemudian dengan bergabungnya Manchester College of Commerce dan Manchester School of Design yang membentuk Manchester Polytechnic di 1970. Manchester Polytechnic menjadi Manchester Metropolitan University di tahun 1992.
Manchester Metropolitan University, Business College berhasil mendapatkan double akreditasi dari Asoociation of MBA’s (AMBA) dan Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB), yang merupakan organisasi yang paling diakui dunia bidang bisnis dan akutansi. Selain itu Universitas anggota dari University Alliance, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the North West Universities Association, dan European University Association.
Study Level : Undergraduate (Bachelor)
Category : Top Up degree/Final Year
Entry years : September 2020
Duration : 1 year
Location : Manchester campus
Tuition : £14,500/year
“Up grade Diploma atau perkuliahn Sarjana S1 tahun ke 3 kamu menjadi gelar Bachelor (Hons) yang bergengsi dan diakui secara internasional, hanya dalam 1 tahun saja “
Entry requirement :
– Diploma 3 atau Kuliah 3 tahun jenjang gelar Sarjana S1 (4 year Bachelor degree) bidang studi yang relevan dan IPK/GPA memenuhi syarat
– IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent) with a minimum of 5.5 in all bands
Program Studi/majors :
Accounting BA (Hons) Top Up
International Fashion BA (Hons) Top Up
Study Level : Undergraduate (Bachelor)
Category : Foundation Year
Entry years : September 2020
Duration : 1 years
Location : Manchester campus
Tuition : £14,500/year
Program Studi/majors :
Accounting and Finance Foundation Year
Banking and Finance Foundation Year
Economics Foundation Year
Business Management Foundation Year
International Business Management Foundation Year
Marketing Management Foundation Year
Human Resource Management Foundation Year
Sport Management Foundation Year
Biomedical Science Foundation Year
Human Resources Foundation Year
Human Physiology Foundation Year
Chemistry Foundation Year
Medicanal and Biology Chemistry Foundation Year
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Foundation Year
Computer Science Foundation Year
Software Engineering Foundation Year
Computer Animation and Visual Effect Foundation Year
Computer Forensic and Security Foundation Year
Mathematics Foundation Year
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Foundation Year
Design Engineering Foundation Year
Mechanical Engineering Foundation Year
Fashion Promotion Foundation Year
Fashion Design and Technology Foundation Year
Fashion Buying and Merchandising Foundation Year
Psychology Foundation Year
Multimedia Journalism Foundation Year
Events Management Foundation Year
Hospitality Business Management Foundation Year
Tourism Management Foundation Year
Digital Marketing & Analytics with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Fashion Marketing with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Economics with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Financial & Investment Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Football Business Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
International Business with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Management & Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Study Level : Undergraduate
Category : Accelerated degree Bachelor
Entry years : September 2020
Duration : 2 years
Location : Manchester campus
Tuition : £14,500/year
Entry requirement :
– 3 GCSEs at grade C/ 4 or above (or equivalent) including English Language
– UK Foundation Year
– IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent) with a minimum of 5.5 in all bands
Program Studi/majors :
Software Development BA (Hons)
Study Level : Undergraduate
Category : Bachelor
Entry years : September 2020
Duration : 3 years
Location : Manchester campus
Tuition : £14,500 to £16,500 /year
Program Studi/majors :
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)
Acting BA (Hons)
Advertising Brand Communication BA (Hons)
Animation BA (Hons)
Banking and Finance Bsc (Hons)
Biology Bsc (Hons)
Biomedical Science Bsc (Hons)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons) with Law
Chemical Science Bsc (Hons)
Chemistry Bsc (Hons)
Computer Animation and Visual Effect Bsc (Hons)
Computer Games Technology Bsc (Hons)
Creative Writing BA (Hons)
Digital Media & Communication Bsc (Hons)
Drama & Contemporary Performance BA (Hons)
Early Years and Childhood studies BA (Hons)
Economics BA/Bsc (Hons)
Economics and Finance BA (Hons)
Education Studies BA (Hons)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEng (Hons)
English BA (Hons)
English/TESOL BA (Hons)
Even Management BA (Hons)
Fashion BA (Hons)
Fashion Art Direction BA (Hons)
Fashion Business Management BA (Hons)
Fashion Promotion BA (Hons)
Film and Media Studies BA (Hons)
Film Making BA (Hons)
Fin Arts BA (Hons)
Graphic Design BA (Hons)
Human Resources Management BA (Hons)
Illustration with Animation BA (Hons)
Interior Design BA (Hons)
International Business Management BA (Hons)
International Fashion BA (Hons)
International Hospitality Business Management Bsc(Hons)
International Relation BA (Hons)
International Tourism Management BA (Hons)
Law LLB (Hons)
Manchester City Community Football Coaching Bsc (Hons)
Marketing BA (Hons)
Mathematics Bsc (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Bsc (Hons)
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Bsc (Hons)
Multi Media Journalism BA (Hons)
Music and Sound for Media BA (Hons)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Bsc (Hons)
Philosophy BA (Hons)
Photography BA (Hons)
Product Design BA (Hons)
Product Design Engineering Bsc (Hons)
Physiotherapy Bsc (Hons)
Psychology Bsc (Hons)
Psychology with Counseling and Psychotherapy
Sociology BA (Hons)
Software Engineering Bsc (Hons)
Sport : Coaching and Development BA (Hons)
Sport Marketing Management BA (Hons)
Sustainable Performance Management BA (Hons)
TESOL and Linguistics BA (Hons)
Zoology Bsc (Hons)
Entry requirements if you have studied in Indonesia
Foundation Year
STTB-SMA (Senior Secondary School Certificate of Completion)
Undergraduate Courses
D1, D2 and D3 Diplomas will be considered for various entry points at degree level
Undergraduate advanced entry and top-up degrees
Students who have studied 3 years of a degree with subject match and good GPA can be considered for entry to final year / top up
Postgraduate Courses
D4 Diploma or S1 (Sarjana) from a recognised university
English Language Requirements
Undergraduate courses
For Undergraduate courses, we usually ask for IELTS 6.0 (No less than 5.5 in any section) or equivalent.
Postgraduate courses
For Postgraduate courses, we usually ask for IELTS 6.5 (No less than 5.5 in any section) or equivalent.